Course design

The MOOC is divided into 5 modules of 8 hours each. In each module, approximately 6.5 hours are devoted to in-depth theoretical study of specific topics, while 1.5 hours are dedicated to pilot activities with the learners/teachers (practical activities to be carried out in the classroom, exercises, creation of learning content, etc.). Each session ends with a quiz (to be completed in about 30 minutes) to assess the knowledge acquired by the learners.

The time devoted to each activity in the MOOC is flexible and will vary according to the type of content identified by the experts and the hours of the pilot.

The content and main learning objectives for each module are as follows:

  • I MODULE: The role of health literate schools in promoting health literacy and digital health literacy: Mapping Concepts.
    This module has an introductory function to the whole MOOC; the main learning objective is to equip teachers with the necessary skills to map concepts and explain key definitions of health literacy, health promotion and wellbeing in schools. This is done so from the perspective of a health literate school, which represents a settings approach to promoting health literacy in the schools addressing the school structures, determinants, and the wider school environment. Sharing key knowledge and information about the theoretical framework underpinning the ‘health literate school’, namely the eight quality standards and their associated indicators (six indicators per standard) will help teachers (and other school staff) to identify useful health literacy and digital health literacy learning and teaching resources to address key challenges and priorities in promoting health literacy among students. Module 1 includes providing teachers with an in-depth knowledge of key documents (e.g., reports, guidelines, publications, online resources, etc.) related to health literacy and digital health literacy, with a particular focus on their relevance to the DigitalHealth@school methodological framework.


  • II MODULE: Teaching and learning skills for managing health information.
    This module covers the competence area 1 ‘Managing health information’ and 3 ‘teaching and learning’ of the Digital Health@School Framework. Competence Area 1 ‘Managing health information’ is covered extensively, while Competence Area 3 ‘Teaching and learning’ is a cross-cutting section for all MOOC modules and will be fully explored in the pilot. Therefore, the activities for „Teaching and Learning” included in Module 1 will mainly focus on providing a theoretical framework for these topics.
    The aim of the module is to provide teachers with the skills and strategies needed to navigate, search, select and evaluate digital health information, content and data, and to emphasise the importance of these skills in promoting digital health literacy. It also aims to make teachers aware of their crucial role in supporting students to better express their health needs and to understand and evaluate health information gathered online. With regard to „teaching and learning” competences, the module aims to promote the use of innovative pedagogical methods for health education that encourage students’ autonomous learning and self-evaluation.



  • III MODULE: Communication and collaboration.
    This module is linked to Competence Area 2 of the Digital Health@School Framework and focuses on developing teachers’ effective communication skills in using digital tools to convey clear information and messages about health issues to students. It aims to guide teachers on how to structure classroom interventions to help students recognise inappropriate behaviour in online environments (netiquette). Finally, it aims to support teachers in learning useful content to promote health awareness and organise collaborative campaigns and activities among students using innovative digital devices, tools and strategies.


  • IV MODULE: Safety.
    This module is linked to Competence Area 4 of the Digital Health@School Framework and aims to equip teachers with the necessary knowledge to teach students behavioural norms when creating digital content by providing basic information on privacy policies. It supports them in organising lessons on the risks of sharing private information, how to protect data in relation to health information and services, and how to navigate safely in the online environment. It also aims to support teachers in designing awareness-raising activities on the responsible use of digital technologies for the dissemination of health information and services.


  • V MODULE: Digital resources.
    This module is linked to Competence Area 5 of the Digital Health@School Framework and aims to support teachers in developing students’ digital literacy by encouraging their use of different digital tools and providing clear information on channels, media and collaborative strategies to promote digital wellbeing. It also aims to increase teachers’ knowledge of digital health resources and to share this knowledge collaboratively and effectively with students to promote a responsible use of these resources. Finally, it aims to raise teachers’ awareness of the need to keep up to date with digital issues and to encourage the development of skills that can help students improve their understanding of their own health through digital tools.